this series is for anybody who wants to diveinto drupal 8 but is unfamiliar with some of the concepts that it introduces like object-orientedprogramming, symfony integration, autoloading, plugins and unit testing among others. evenif you come to the table having never worked with drupal before, you should be able tofollow along but i may make references to the way that drupal 7 works in contrast withdrupal 8, for example, or might gloss over certain drupal-specific terms like "hooks"and "entities." i also assume that you have some basic phpprogramming knowledge. if you're just starting out with development, i'd suggest that youwatch the php programming basics video collection first and then come back to this series. agood part of what we'll cover involves working
with php in an object-oriented way, and it'stough to really appreciate those concepts without first having run into the limitationsof the way that you program when all you are trying to do is just build something thatworks. the main goal of this series is to familiarizeyou with specific concepts and techniques so that you'll know how to find your way arounddrupal 8 but also in such a way that you will be able to use many of your new skills outsideof drupal as well. for example, when we look at object-oriented programming, it will beeasier to identify key concepts in plain php and then introduce how those concepts areimplemented in drupal. when we dive into the symfony framework, we'lllook at the various components outside of
drupal to begin with and then we'll addresshow they are used in the context of drupal. the goal again is to illustrate ways thatthese tools can be used both inside and outside of drupal which will strengthen your positionas a developer in your own projects and also when you are looking for paid work. so some of the big areas that we'll be coveringin this series include, first, building a simple module. we'll begin by looking at wherethe scaffolding of a module has changed from drupal 7 and where it stayed the same, andthis will launch us into exploring a lot of the concepts that we need to know to understandwhat's really going on with the code. we'll dive into object-oriented programmingconcepts and techniques so we'll start from
where we left off in the php programming basicscollection and discuss what the big conceptual differences are and of course look at numerouspractical examples to illustrate the different ideas. we'll look at namespacing. now, the basicsof namespacing are pretty simple but we'll go a bit deeper and look at namespacing practicesand specifically what you need to know to take advantage of namespacing in drupal. we'll discuss autoloading. if you don't knowwhat autoloading is, it will seem like a lot of drupal 8 code is just magical. here, wedispel the magic and explain what's going on with autoloading and why.
we'll dive into symfony integration. drupaltakes advantage of numerous components from the symfony framework and so we'll look athow symfony works both on its own and then explore the various components used by drupal. we'll talk about controllers. one of the ideasthat drupal takes from symfony is the idea of a controller or rather a class that interfacesbetween data and the way you want to display the data. now, if you don't know what thatmeans, don't worry. we're going to ease into it. we'll look at composer. so drupal takes advantageof a php application called composer. it's a powerful tool for integrating third-partylibraries in your code base. we'll look at
how to use composer for any project, whichis a lot of fun, and where drupal leverages it in particular. we'll dive into what to do with custom codein drupal 8. so many of the techniques that you will learn throughout this series willbe useful when it comes to evaluating how you write your own custom code that doesn'tnecessarily fit into any of the typical drupal conventions. so we'll explore some ideas arounduseful ways to apply these techniques. we'll talk about migrating modules from drupal7 to drupal 8. so migrating modules in the past between major versions of drupal hasbeen tricky and it's going to remain tricky from 7 to 8, but we'll talk through some ofthe techniques that will help your migration
process go a bit more smoothly. we'll look at unit and functional testing.a big benefit of object-oriented programming is that it becomes much easier to test yourcode, and solid testing means that you'll find problems much faster and have an easiertime troubleshooting issues. so we'll discuss the different types of testing and how towrite tests for your drupal modules. and finally, we'll discuss plugins. so there'sa new concept in drupal 8 called the plugin. we'll talk about what that is and how theyexist as well as look at some examples of how they work. if any of these or all of it sounds overwhelmingright now, just take a deep breath and relax.
the names and descriptions of all of thesesubjects might appear daunting, but when we start working through the examples you'regoing to catch on really quick and any sense of foreboding that you have now will be replacedwith excitement because this stuff is a lot of fun and you'll start to see applicationsin your own work really fast both inside and outside of drupal. all right. let's get started.
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