welcome back for another video my name isadam and i'm from wpcrafter.com were a make videos for non-techies like me maybe likeyou and i couldn't be more excited today then to give this video and this website templateto you and i'm sort of taken a new direction with my site wp crafter and this channel womanand you spend the next couple months focusing on creating online courses teaching peoplegiving people all the tools to create an online course that they can sell on their websiteand this right here is my new done for you template and what that means is when you goto my website you can get this entire website in a download package that you can installon your web host in a matter of minutes in it will be completely done for you alreadyso to start this video the first thing that
i do is show you the front end of the websitei am going to then login and show you the user experience when they are interactingwith your online course and then i'm gonna take a look at the back end to show you alittle bit of the backend of the platform now let me first tell you that this is allbased on wordpress my channels all about wordpress of course it's good to be all done in wordpress and the cost is going to be zero everything that i've used to build this is completelyfree and i'll explain a little bit more about that when i'm showing you the back end ofit so first of all ironies of this is free and let's take a look at some of the costof other solutions out there and then i'm going to show you this site so you've gotfriends and secures a plug-in that you you
can integrate with wordpress it's gonna costyou $299 per year here's another one is called course cats and this is almost $500 per yearhere's another one is called learn \'96 and this is a very popular one for wordpress andit starts in $129 per year here's another one for online that's very popular caughtmood and me are you danny and so you can put your course there and they'll host it andi think they take a cut of 20 or 30% of the money that it comes in from selling your courseand here's another one has become kinda popular recently is called teachable and you can seeit's $99 per month or they have these lower plans but then they take a cut of your salesand but it's all hosted and so this a solution that i am giving to you today is all selfhosted on your own web hosting account and
everything is completely free and everythingthat i show you keep in mind it's could be completely customizable and easy to changeusing a front and page editor which i'm going to show you later in this video so this ishow i designed it and i intend on hopefully releasing some design packs to make it easierfor you to see all the power possibilities with this platform that can allow you to takeall of your knowledge packet it up into courses that you can sell or give away for free sohere's the site i started off with his gigantic headline here and then this nice a sub headlineand i've got these two buttons here and i've got this a really nice hovering affectingyou'll be of the change the colors and you can change the text to these buttons is littleintroduction to the sides here's a little
information on the instructor which wouldbe you and not me and then here's a course in grid and in this template i set up threedifferent courses for use you could see how i set them up and here's a course grid andthen i got an area down here where you can put some frequently asked questions and putthose answers and then lastly got this call to action area right here to get people totake action and move forward now when someone wants to see one of your courses they canclick on any of these images here in the course of grid and click on this review course buttonand here is how i've set up the course introductory page so you got this area where you can changethis background image to whatever makes sense for you i got that headline again and a sentenceor two about the course and then he can put
a sales video in there and then when someonescrolls down now right here you can put some additional textbased information about yourcourse and here is a course syllabus now you also have this sidebar here were so mobileto see their progress in your course and they can see your different modules and the lessonswithin those modules and this is a collapsible so when someone clicks on it you can see collapseclasses and then it will go back like that and when someone scrolls down here are thedifferent lessons in this course and check this out when you click on it if you're notenrolled they get this message here to take the course to unlock it so this is the layoutfor the course itself and you can host as many courses or as few as one course on thiswebsite template okay now the reason this
is become a member is because you can alsowith this solution you can package up courses that you sell his packages and you could protectany content on your website now it's also important to add at this point that this isa full learning management system that this website has you can have as many courses asyou want you can have quizzes at the end of each lesson if you want you can issue a certificateif you want you can have what's called a game of vacation that's where people get badgesand awards when they accomplish certain goals within your course in one of the most powerfulfeatures of this solution is it has something called engagements so when someone enrollsyou can automate sending them an email once someone completes a lesson and clicks thecompleted this lesson button you can send
them an email congratulating them with someonein roles in the course and doesn't mark any of the lessons as completed after couple daysyou could send them an email to get them he reengaged to come back into the course itis a full featured solution so let me show you these other links here so here is a dedicatedcourse page not your meal to change all these options here in the menu this is how i haveit set up for you to see the power seeking out a blog if you want all that kind of stuffthis is just how i have it set up right now so someone clicks on courses here's a coursein grid again and this area here you have this color you can change that to any coloryou want you can put a background image if if you want it's whatever you want and i'mgonna show you that as well and then here's
a page for membership so if you have morethan one memberships you can have a page dedicated to that now here is the customer dashboardi just called it my courses now i'm not logged in so when i click on it it prompts me tolog in or it prompts me to register for a course so what i do right now is a loggedin and then show you the experience as a user that is logged into the site okay so now i'mlogged in and as you can see what was on this page before the login form is gone and nowit's showing me a list of the courses that i'm enrolled in and my progress in those coursesand it greets me with the name right here so whenever your users login it will greetthem with their name i'll give them options right here to change your account settingsand also redeem a voucher this is actually
really cool feature fury a public speakerand you might sell something at the end of your event you could sell a voucher that afor some of their purchases it can then come to your website and read deem in order toget access to a course that's a way to sell off line your online courses on your own websiteso back here any of your users can go and get back into the course that they're takingby just clicking on any of these buttons let me jump back to the homepage because i wantto show you something now when i scroll back under that course grade because i'm loggedin and i'm enrolled in this course and i'm enrolled in this course it says right hereon my progress as it is in the button it says i haven't even finished any of the lessonsbut i can click on continue to jump back into
that course so go ahead and click on the courseright here so now i'm back on that course listing page and when i scroll down you noticethat now the button here as well says continue the course so this is convenient so if youhave a very large course all your user needs to do is click on that button and it willtake them to where they last left off and it makes it very convenient for them in avery smooth experience for your customers so now you'll see when i click on a lessonlike here it will now take me into that lesson wears before it wouldn't even let me get thisfar so here we have an area for the lesson where i've got this gorgeous large area whereyou can put a background image and then put your video in whether it's hosted on videoyoutube or some other solution i have mine
right here i need is you can see i have areally advanced video system where it can put the person where they left off in thevideo so if it's a 20 minute video some watch 10 minutes it can put them where they leftoff but that's something that's a separate from this template but there's this largearea here for the video and i love that this is actually exactly how i have my online coursesset up@wpcrafter.com i love this large area also when you scroll down you have this areahere where you can put information about the about this particular lesson and then hereis the syllabus there on the right and when your user is done with the lesson they canclick on the market complete and that's how the progress indicator increases and thenthere's also these options to just click here
to jump into the next lesson so this righthere is the front and user experience now i'm going to jump into the back end of thiswordpress website to just show you how easy it is to do pre-much everything with it rightnow i'm logged into the backend of this website it's all based on wordpress now don't getintimidated if you're not familiar with wordpress my website has over 100 videos on wordpressand i even have a free course it has no registration requirement that is the basics of wordpressthat will get you up and running fast if you're not familiar with wordpress but i'm to gothrough some things now if you are a little familiar with wordpress already your haveno trouble at all and just you know wordpress powers over 26% of the websites on the internetif there is a platform that you would want
to learn for having a website it would definitelybe word press so first let me show you how easy it is to edit anything on the homepageof the site and some of the content pages as well so those are pages in wordpress youjust click on pages and here's a list of pages and here's the homepage, go ahead and clickon that i'm using a was called a front and page builder that makes everything so mucheasier to do and is called beaver builder not using the free version of beaver builderthey also paid version but you don't need it for this solution so i'm going click onlaunch page builder and was reduced take me into the page builder and here i am so basicallyjust you know this page in any page on any website is just a series of rows those roleshave columns and then there's content in those
columns that's all website is and so righthere's a row right here is a row right here's a row here's my lesson grid i'm sorry my coursegrade and it's essentially a row and this is a row right here now when you have a wascalled a front end page builder is really easy to edit content i can see right herei can click on it this box pops up and then i could just change whatever i want righthere and then click on save and that change will be applied to it and it's the same thinghere now rose can have background colors and rows can have background images now if youhappen to have the paid version of beaver builder you can have background videos backgroundslideshows all love you more items in the background so this right here is just a backgroundimage and so when at when i click on the role
right here there's little ranch in this popsup right here i can see right here i'm choosing what i want for my background i have it asa photo actually i misled you i'm sorry you can't put a background video on the free versionof beaver builder that might be new or not and you can have a background photo and that'swhat i have and what i did is i put this kind of a colored tent over the background becausei wanted it the text the stand out a little bit more sense where you see the little darkhowever if i click that that's what it looks like without the tent on it so we actuallyclick on cancel to get my tent back in is the same thing. the same thing. just click on it and you canchange your text very easily some of you and
click on cancel and pretty much that's allthere is to adding or editing any of the content on this front page beaver builder does havea paid option you can find the full beaver builder plug-in that essentially adds newmodules that you can drag-and-drop but the reason i like using the free one is i wantyou to be only get up and running right now and not have to pay a penny and you're inbusiness now as your business grows as your website grows in the visitors of your websitegrow that's when you can take some of the money you're making and then invested backinto it so there's this upgrade path if you will to adding more features and functionalityif you wanted it you're not locked into something that is limited and that's why chose thisroute and one less thing about beaver builder
is it is currently on over 80,000 websiteswhich means it is rocksolid and there's a huge development team that is behind it thegreat guys okay so go ahead and click on done in published changes and that's all thereis to editing this home page and you can make it be whatever you want and one more caveati intentionally have the logo area and the navigation disabled on it but you can easilyenable it in will learn that in later videos but that is how i chose to set it up so nowlet me get back into the backend of wordpress here now the online learning portion of thesite the whole platform is powered by something called lifter lms is what i use and i haveall these other paid solutions by the way but i using this and was awesome about itis it's 100% free and it's 100% open source
and it's the it's it's more powerful thana lot of these paid options so that is why i'm using it on the solution so go ahead andclick on lifter lms and you got this beautiful dashboard back here you can change any ofthe settings here you can see how your cells are going in all of that and you can see here'san option for analytics you can see all your students you have this area here to set upthese automated emails that are linked to different engagements of different activitiesthat people are doing you can automate reaching out to them in that is probably the most powerfulfeature you can also have the cheese achievements as i came a vacation you can have a certificatethat you issue on course completions you can let your customers leave reviews you can seeall your orders you can issue coupons you
can vouchers and here's the area right herefor courses not just you know you can protect any content with this plug-in you can createa membership and you can protect the posts you can protect pages you can protect anywebsite content in your wordpress site so here's the courses and you can see how i havethem here knowingly click on the wordpress essentials and our right here is where i gotthat information that's on that background image it's all right here and here's wherei have a youtube embed for what you would use is like a sales video now i scroll downhere's all the different settings for the lesson where you can set the price a reoccurringprice you can manually add students you can do all kinds of things like that now let mescroll down a little bit more and this is
what i really love about this solution youhave this visual way of laying out your course the sections the lessons and all that youhave this visual way of doing it moving everything around so if i wanted to add a new lessoni can click on and right here i can choose add new lesson if i wanted a new module ican click add new section or if i had an existing lesson that i wanted more than one coursei can click add existing lesson which makes it so easy and another thing i love is youcan you can rearrange these with this drag-and-drop interface i can click like this and i justrearranged the lesson structure now there are so many advanced features you can alsoright here you can set up a drip schedule so if you want to have a course where peopleget axis ii a lesson each week or each day
you can do that as well in this solution itis a complete solution right here you can assign a quiz to a lesson so someone can advanceunless they complete this quiz access fully and that's based upon the criteria that yousaid you can have a pre-wet requisite for lesson so they have to complete the priorlesson or they have to complete the prior course another thing you can make the firstlesson afraid someone someone goes to view your lesson syllabus they can actually seethat first lesson for free without registration i actually use that myself so anyways andyou can rearrange entire modules and that's pretty much it someone you create a lessonall you have to do is click on edit content and that's rear to go ahead and edit the contentfor these individual lessons so i'm sure you
would agree that this is an amazing solutionthat i put together for you and i can't wait to get it in your hands now i'm gonna go overeverything in this video and you will be able to launch your course lightning quick withthis you revealed to do it completely for free and your neck be able to have no excusesas to why you can't take all that awesome amazing knowledge that's up in your head packageit and sell it or give it away in order to make a difference in other people's livesas well i'm so excited for you i cannot wait to see what you create i got one questionfor you at the beginning of this video in that question is are you ready to start anew adventure to embark on a new voyage in your life never before has the technologylined up and made it so easy for normal ordinary
people like me and you to take the knowledgeand experiences that we have had in our life our expertise so right now i'm in a jump intoa brief presentation to let you know how everything's going to work and there were any get to deployingin getting this site for you as i get this brief presentation so i can explain everythingto you in an organized way and i'm sure you jump into it i'm gonna try to go as fast asi can yet i'm not to skip anything to make sure that you have the best understandingof what this process is going to be so first of all i have this but here were one explainhow this is going to work so normally my other 60 minute website challenges they have beenjust one video and it's a very long in its comics, hard anything to interchange anythinglater so in this 60 minute website challenge
section and of being a series of videos becausethere's some moving parts with this to pull this off and some people don't want one thingin others are and wanted different things and for some people there that this this videomight or this bit of content might apply to them and for others it won't so to respecteverybody's time i went to break this up into different videos in your to be able to justchoose which videos to do what it is that you want to accomplish on your site in thiscan be dynamically growing you see there's lots of topics i want to cover in this challengelike adding e-commerce maybe adding a booking image to your site to book appointments otherso many aspects to it it that i want to i wanted just do my very best job in the bestway to do that is to have this dynamically
growing list of videos that all apply to thistemplate for you and with the way u2 works these videos are to be on youtube with wayworks is might be hard to find the next one if you're watching it on you to someone encourageyou to spend some time over at my website were all the videos are to be organized andtogether in that's probably where your to get your best benefit going through this seriesand it's also the place where i can continue to give me information if something needsto be changed or something along those lines that's can be the best place for that\here is w iif m if not in the us or maybe the uk you might not know what that meansthat stands for what is in it for me 940 told you that there is no cost of this none ofthe plug-ins have any cost and and i packaged
it all up in your to be up to have this injust a few minutes so you might thing and what's in it for me and i've been criticizedon you to because i very vocal insane i just really want to help people so i just wantedto read this little quote to you and explain what's in it for me and you might've heardthis is from a of famous cells to ruin the united states and he basically says you willget all you want in life if you help enough people get what they want and you might'veheard that before and i i believe that and that is the sentiment of me doing this foryou because i should be selling this and not giving it away but i am giving it away toyou in here is how you can help me later in this video i'm going to suggest a web hostingprovider will maybe consider getting your
hosting through them or switching to themand it will be in your best interest anyway and i can make a little bit of money fromthem as a as a referral fee or when you're on my website ever recommended page and i'mrecommending different products and if you're in a bind those products click through onmy website there is so i can maybe earn a little bit of a commission there and thesethings help me to be able to provide these videos for you and i always leave people downthe right path if i don't use it if i know it's junk i will say don't use it i don'teven care if there is a lot of money in it for me to be able to recommend it to peoplei won't to do it i just won't do it and there been many situations where i'm saying youknow incentive this paid solution where i
can make some money i rather you use thisfree solution just because i know it's better you can trust the things that i recommendedand that's how i can actually maybe earn some money through giving all of this to you andspending hundreds of hours of my time putting this together making these videos and stufflike that and also you can help by spreading the word if you're on a facebook group andsome saying how to create an online course we could sell this is what i followed it workedfor me it's been great and at the end of the day even if it's just you go to my websitelike chatting mean telling you me how this made a difference for you that's reward enoughto be honest that is all that i really need so that's what's in it for me let's go herein say why the 60 minute website challenge
and i created this challenge for a couplereasons number one i do want to improve people's lives it's so easy to get online and get exposedto the entire world and your life can really change when you do that and that's the mainreason why accreted this challenge on number two i wanted to make it incredibly easy foryou to get online i just wanted to make it simple and explain things in the most non-techieway possible on next i want to eliminate your excuses if you're anything like me you makeexcuses for things and there's always a reason why you don't get started just even in makingthis video i have to tell myself just hit the record button it doesn't have to be perfectjust hit the report record button because i make excuses why i don't get started withsomething and i think most people are that
way and that's why made this challenge issimple and easy as possible to make it so people do not have any excuses not to implementthis in their life and really open their life up to having to be changed by taking theirexpertise in putting it out on the internet and i wanted you to get infinitely betterresults because i've seen some of these how to make a website video or how to do thiswith your website videos and and that the person will make this beautiful site but themoney actually look to the people that try to do it themselves it's a disaster like ohmy gosh that doesn't look so good i want you to have the very best results that's why ipicked out the fonts i picked out the color schemes and you can change them of courseand you can flexibly do whatever you want
but i kinda wanted to make it cookie-cutterso that you can have a beautiful site fast okay so next my little disclaimer i can'tcover this earlier basically it's a video i can't change any of the content once it'suploaded to youtube you can leave a comment down below but the best thing is just a headover to my website if i've left anything out i'm sorry you can ask me on my website i willput a new video out to maybe add a portion or all have some info on my website for forfixing any problem that you might have i can change this video essentially once i uploadedit to youtube so you do this and get started and there's pretty much for easy steps thefirst step as we need to order a delay in domain name and web hosting in him and explainwhat that is next thing is we need to install
something called wordpress the third stepis to restore this done for you template and the last thing is to just swap out and changeyour text and images to make the site yours number run through how this whole websitething works you need a domain name and that is website url and i when uses analogy is,like an address so where you live you have an address your house has an address justthink of your domain name as your address that's where what you give to people so thatthey could find you the next is hosting that is kind of like the foundation of the housewhere this address is it's the foundation and when you're creating a website for yourselfyou wanted to be on the very best foundation possible if it's on a bad foundation the houseis going to have problems now getting to that
more later wordpress is like the house sothe structure of the walls the roof that is word press and the w template is likely tocourt your house it was make it's what makes it yours would it had reflects your tastesand styles so your domain name that can cost about depending on where you get the domainname might cost about $10 per year that's pretty much average and it's a regular costthat you have a web hosting as well is a regular cost just think of it in this analogy is likea property tax you have to pay it every single year to your web hosting costs i've got aspecial that i wanted to about a moment of which are maybe looking at between five and$10 a month but when you purchase it on a yearly basis there is a discount wordpressis completely free this done for you template
is completely free so let's talk about thatgood foundation for a minute and i said the foundation is your web hosting company yourweb hosting account and is a couple things that really matter to having a good foundationand that is speed speed of your website is one of the most most important aspects becauseif someone does your website it takes five or six seconds to load its is going to bea bad experience that's a bad foundation in his can end up hurting you annexing his securitymatters security is so important anything you put on the internet is vulnerable to beinghacked into so you need to make sure that you have a security plan in place or a webhosting company that is proactively monitoring your security for you next support mattersyou want a web hosting company that is super
available to help you when you need it notthrough some ticket ticketing system regarding weight in our five hours to get some helpbut they have live chat they have support reps they have expertise in their waitingthere to help you in these three things really are what makes a good foundation for yourwebsite and i want to talk next about the hosting provider that i use if you go to mywebsite@wpcrafter.com is using in motion hosting and emotion hosting meets this criteria whereyour your speed matters your websites could be on fast solid-state drives of securitymatters they proactively monitor the security of your website the port matters they havea huge support staff there to help you and the best thing is is in motion doesn't costthat much it's comparably priced to all the
other web hosting companies is just a fewdollars per month and i wanted to throw out some information about some of the other webhosting companies and give you some things think about now some of the more well knownweb hosting companies there actually complete and utter disasters so i'm talking about hostgator talking about blue host those are the two most well-known web hosting companiesbut the two most epic disasters in web hosting companies host gator their servers are veryoverloaded your site is gonna run very very slow and the support is very poor blue hosthas a lot of hacking problems that because they have and in secure infrastructure andthe way works is your website get attacked into because the server gets hacked into becausethey don't have the best security protocols
this hacking happens you get an email fromblue host saying your websites been hacked for taking it down you can give us $300 tofix it for you and that is like it's a disaster just a disaster and really the problem isthese hosting companies and about 40 other hosting companies are all owned by the sameparent company what they do is they buy web hosting companies and then they get rid ofall the support and they kinda fold it all into this parent company and it just endsup ruining these experiences with these hosting company so that's why golden motion i'm tryingto avoid anything dig related i use host gator and i use blue host and it's been lousy forboast images also add dream host that the dream house is probably one of the worst i'mso anyways i just want to put that out there
i don't want to really say disparaging remarksabout any company or any product but web hosting is huge it is so important and you're goingto have a lousy websites this is in terms of speed and insecurity if you make the wrongdecision and there's a lot of bad information out there and i just wanted to just let youknow that so please consider your getting a new and motion hosting account in a furyon blue host earls gate or any of those they will migrate you to in motion for free soit was just a few dollars per month and i've got a special link it's in the below in theif you watch this on youtube i really don't below to it in the the notes for the videoand if you're my website i got links all over the place you click through on my link emotionsgetting give you a 38% discount on your web
hosting account and i got something specialthat i also had i have a series of courses on my website that i call the wordpress masterscourse and essentially it's every course that i sell on my website and my courses rangefrom $47 a course up to $297 per course and i package them together as well in this masterscourse and right now you can exit by the masters course if you want it's $297 per year to getthat however if you get a motion hosting him and to give you access for free all you needto do is click through the link from my link on my website order the hosting contact mewith the receipt number i'll look it up and i'll give you access for free so that is inmotion hosting and all and it's my entire course library i think already mentioned thatnot good with these presentations so there's
only be of four easy steps here in that iwant to go over right now in order to get your website going working order in a momentyour domain name and order your hosting route install wordpress we're going to restore thisdone for you templates and then after that mike already serena swap out your text andyour images so let's go ahead and hop on the computer theory on my website and all youneed to do is click on this a recommended tab right here it takes you herein here'sa list of different themes and plug-ins that are recommended as well as hosting servicesemail providers i have it all here these are the things that i personally use so here'sa link to in motion hosting you just go ahead and click right here words is click here andit's can it take you right on over to in motion
hosting and they have these three differentplans and you can look at did the different benefits of using this service also you cango ahead and click on any of these are just click on this and then is to take us to theordering grid so you can just choose what you want the launch plan is can ally doublesto websites the power plan is can allow you to launch six different websites in the proplan you can have as many different websites as you want if you are just starting out youcan start off with the launch plan and you can upgrade later it's completely up to youyou can see the launch plan can be as low as 589 per month now i personally use theprobe plan because it does have a little bit more resources allocated to the account andit allows you to host unlimited websites so
i have the pro plan personally someone togo ahead and just choose one month of the pro-plan here now it takes us to the nextscreen here it does include a free domain name so if you don't already have a websitedomain name that you might of redshirted name cheaper go daddy or something like that youcan register here it's included you might as well take advantage and you can just enterthe domain name here and if it's taken it will have you come back until you find onethat is not taken us all to go ahead and click on this one here this is i already own thisdomain and i'll handle the registration separately so this is where if yorty have the domainname registered it's a go daddy her name cheaper any of the different accompanies were youcan register website domain names you just
go ahead right here and put in that domainname soma type and show the demo and the continue and then right here depending if you if youadd one of the lower plans it might give you another offer to upgrade to the pro plan butit's not for me some to go ahead and click on continue in this raiders the last stepit's the check out step where you'll go ahead and just put in your your name and your billinginformation and other section right here rinses content management system auto installer justdo know this is on show you how to install wordpress you can also click install wordpressbut it might be easier for this tutorial just say no thanks and then he can put your creditcard information there now you don't have a credit card and you want to play pay viapaypal you can contact their live chat and
they will help you make the payment via paypalor you can also give him a call if you are the person wants to call him up you can callthem up in in order your hosting that way pay for it that way over the phone now onecaveat if you do it via paypal or if you do it via the phone can you let them know thatyou were referred by wpcrafter.com and make sure they know that because if you don't tellhim that they won't attribute it to me and i will be a will to give you the free courselibrary so if you could do that it helps me out and also people want to be with peoplei prefer to pay for people actually just more convenient for me and i usually have a paypalbalance of you need to order it via paypal you can do via live chat or you can pick upthe phone and call them up and do it with
a credit card over the phone whatever's moreconvenient for you now you place your order you might get i held up when they might requirea welcome call were they just call you to welcome you to in motion or they might justaccept your account right away in your can receive this email from support it in motionand there's this little box here that you need to click on it says to get started setyour password here so when you click on that the email address you used when you placeyour orders can be your login when you go to their site and when you click on this redbutton you're going to be up to set up an account password and this is going to be thepassword to use the login and where would you be able to configure everything now whenyou head over to their website you can click
on amp login and when you get to that justenter your email address you used on your account and that password that you just createdand then click login you can see i'm logged into my account right now and the next stepis to go ahead and click right here where it says cpanel now cpanel is abbreviationfor control panel in this is where you do everything that involves your websites whereyou can create email address is this is where we can install wordpress this is aware everythingpretty much is so now that you're logged in i want you to scroll down to the very bottomand you're going to see it say word press right here go ahead and click on that thiscould take you to this page were just give you a little bit of information about wordpressand all we need to do is click on this button
here this is install and then we just needto simply feel this out and to show you how to do that cir\'e9 surgery to see your domainname that you use that you ordered when you order the hosting account or that you usewhen you order the hosting account and then right here it's his protocol this to chooseif it's good to be www.or not it's better to have it there i always use it there sometechnical reasons why you want to do that and that's what i'm recommending to you another's'stemptation to not have the ww w and then it shorter it's a completely up to you thoughin directory 110 leave that blank for database name you can leave that as what is listedtable prefix leave that as well for your site settings just leave this the default the sitedescription originally that default now work
were worse is the username and password theway this process is gonna work er signatures username and password with them will restorethis done for you template your have to reset it anyways so it's completely up to you whatyou put here now you typically want to have a strong password and never for your usernameyou want to use admin or administrator or something really obvious so you can chooseyour username and your password by working actually have to reset that once we restorethis completely done for you template such wanted to throw in that caveat so go aheadand put in a username and password and then put an email and this is going to be thatnotification email that there is that wordpress's can use whenever they need to notify you ofanything but as well this is going to be need
to be reset once we restore this done foryou template you can choose your language and our right here i wouldn't enable thislimit login attempts and then going to expand here where it says advanced options there'ssome options here that are actually pretty nice so auto upgrade is nice so it can automaticallyupgrade wordpress for you in this right here will this text box here will be to upgradewordpress plug-ins and wordpress themes right here and will do this automatically for youi would suggest doing that you definitely want to be running the latest code on yourwebsite in cases ever security vulnerability that is discovered this will make sure thatit's always up-to-date without you having to keep logging in and updating things andi see how the process works are updating is
covered in some my other videos that you cantake a look at some going to fill this out now and then i'm in a click on the installbutton one quick caveat if you're doing this from a brand-new in motion account when youclick on the install button it's probably get a kick you back in its gonna say there'ssome files in the directory don't worry about that there'll be a checkbox that you clickon that will say delete any files that are there also don't get worried when you seethat it's not can happen for me because i know there's no files in their summer to goahead and fill this out and then click on install myself okay what you click the installbutton year to see this here is just going through the installation process and thismakes it so easy and is one of the benefits
of in motion is that literally you just installwordpress and it was that easy so here's our links now to the wordpress site so this isthe link to your domain name and this is the actual login page some go ahead and clickon that login page and it's going to prompt me to log in and so all you hear is you typein your username you just created and the password you just created and then click onremember me doesn't matter and then let's just log in so you have literally just installedwordpress and you are logged into wordpress so now what were the dues were to head overto my website working to download the done for you template or just to restore it andwhat i showed you in the beginning of the video you're gonna have live on your websiteand i just had on over to my website go ahead
right here in click on words is done for youtemplates i just clicked on it it now loaded so quick and you're good to see all of my60 minute website challenges right here now if i change the structure of my website llamain its been like a year and i changed some things around don't worry i've got a helpsection right here and you can just go there and click on the help section and find anythingthat might have been moved i also have live chat i also have a contact form there's lotsof ways to ask me but please check out on the help there if i didn't move this donefor you template around or if i change the naming of things or anything like that seriouslyright here is just how to create an online coursework membership websites and then whenyou click on it it'll take you to page like
this although it's probably do look a littledifferent but will be similar enough and then scroll down and you'll see this very largebutton that says click here to download the resource files now some people that mightbe using an ad blocker in their web browser might not see this and i can help you youjust gotta disable the ad blocker i don't have any ads on my website just you know butfor some reason those ad blockers sometimes depending on what someone is done to the configurationblocks this box and i can tell you how many times people emailing me say where i downloadedso if you have blogger please just disable your ad blocker now when you click on thisit has is real fancy little pop up next to she had to do fancy pop-ups like this so anywaysi was putting your name and your email address
and then click on get instant access you willreceive an email from me usually instantly maybe within five minutes but it's usuallypretty instant of so you can just go over to your email and there's going to be a linkagescan it it's good to be the only link in the email and when you click on that link it'sgoing to go ahead and download the resource file to your computer in case let me showyou what that resource files can look like it's a zipped file you need to know how tounzip a file now if you're using a mac and have the safari web browser most likely cannotunzip it for you which is pretty convenient if you're on a pc windows will has its ownunzipping way of doing things and if you don't ottomans it just go to youtube and type tounzip something and i'm sure you'll be up
to figure it out and you you don't want tobe doing this on an ipad or a tablet cousin on ipads you can unzip things so if you'reon an ipad in your asking me to help you i really can help you you gotta do this on acomputer so anyways when you unzip it you should have a new folder that's a 60 minutewebsite challenge and at the time of this recording i just have this one file in thesetwo folders that might change if i want to put some more information in there she gotinstructions text file in the folder that says restore file and resources so the restorefile is really what we are after in working to use to restore this done for you templatebut i have a really cool resources file here is a text file is can give you links to websitesthere, free resources and i also have this
instruction file that will have some of theinfo that i'm going over right now just in case you wanted it in a written form but whatreally*after is this restore file right here now don't don't worry if when you unzip itit has a different name than what you see right now if it's in that folder it's therestore file now when we go to restore this make sure you don't just drag-and-drop thewhole zip file it has to be unzipped so go ahead and restore this now so i'm in a goover to wordpress we were should already be logged in just go to plug-ins and then addnew and we need to install a plug-in called all in one migrator actually i think i mightbe saying that wrong all-in-one migration wp migration you should see it right hereso go ahead and click on install now and then
click on activate plug-in so now this plug-inis installed on the site and you have this new option here on the left this is all inone wp migration my balls for second don't worry if you're in wordpress for the firsttime you like i don't even know what the heck any of this stuff is i've got a full beginner'scourse it's free no registration required to go to my website and this could tell youwhat all this stuff is so dull don't feel overwhelmed even if you are just try not toand just know that i've got you covered no go here and i'm a click on import and thenwe need to just drag-and-drop that file right here so here's the file and i'm dragging andi'm dropping it right there and you should see this screen know what it's doing is it'staking this file and its uploading it to your
wordpress website so if you have a slow internetconnection this might take a moment i have a pretty decent internet connection he couldsee sortie 20% of the way but if you have a slow internet connection and might takea minute or so for you to see it or if you're using really crummy web hosting he didn'tgo with emotion you might also run into some additional delays in problems that's why isuggest going with in motion i know it's going to be butter smooth and you're not to haveproblems and it sometimes is worth making a change or getting a hosting account withthem just for the simple fact that this could be a very smooth process so now is preparingthe file to be imported it's extracting everything and then right here it's giving us a warningnow listen up by doing this anything that
is in your wordpress website to get wipedout your user account your content everything this is a fresh installation for wordpressfor us so it's not a big deal but if you have an existing website a wordpress website yougot all kinds of content and you go through this process is gonna delete everything younot to want to do this to an existing website this is for new websites we haven't done anythingto it yet because it's gonna wipe everything out so i just want preface i've had peoplethat are not paying attention to what i'm saying and then they've done this and they'vedeleted everything and they're coming back to me saying how can i get my website backand there's nothing i can do so anyways all we have to do is click on continue it's givingyou the morning to make sure you read it some
of the go ahead and click on continue andso now what is can a dues it's good to take all the information in the archive file andit's going to restore its gonna take all the images that i had in it all of the customcode it's can place it in there and then what we need to do is just follow one or two simplesteps and this installation will be complete now remember the username and password towordpress that you set just a moment ago that is part of that process of it's good to getwiped out so you're not any use that right now so the import is done go ahead and clickon close now when you click on anything it's can it take you out of the site so by clickon dashboard receipts can kick me out and put me back at the login now let me tell youwhat this login is it's also one that instructions
file if you just wanted to copy and pasteit across the username is 60 minute website challenge with no spaces the password is dfwhy that since were done for udf why the@symbol wpcrafter.com there's no.com so it is df whythe pad symbol wpc are a fte are it's also in that instruction file k sonoma going clickon remember me i'm in a log in and i'm not to save this the password and here we arewe are now logged into the site for the first time so there's a couple follow-up steps thatwe need to do we need to go to settings and then we need to go to where it says permanentlinks to go to settings and then permit links and then you should scroll down and clicksave changes this just reset something that's important to wordpress for to work properlyso now we've gone ahead and weave reset our
permanent links now i need you to replaceyour email address in a couple places it's pretty important so the first one is if wego to settings and then general right here i need to put your email address if not theseemails are to come to me and i don't want these update emails or notifications and especiallythe site like this where you want to notification of someone's registered to a a program orsomething like that i don't want these notifications i want you to get these notifications so youcan go here and put your email address and i'd appreciate it can also set your time zonewhile you're at it is also warrior to change the site title and things like that so justgo there please do that and then change it so the second place is in lifter elementsgo ahead and click there and then click on
engagements and this is where the plug-inthat facilitates delivering these courses and keeping everything organized this is avote can use when it's emailing your students things like hey congratulations for joiningthe coarser hey we haven't seen you in a couple days are a you just completed that lessongreat job this is where it's going to pull that that sender email address you want toput your email address here in the name of the sender so that's one when an email goesout to you want to say your name the website name or whatever this is where you're goingto go ahead and put that information in so please change that there is well now there'sone more thing we need to do and will be ready to start customizing this and that's the goto users and you're only to see this one user
right here 60 minute website challenge weneed to go ahead and change the username so you don't have to have that crazy long usernameworking to change that to what you want were a changes email to what you want in orderto change the password so changing the email and password is super easy all you have todo is click on the username and you can scroll down put a nickname here so you might wantit to be your name that use it down here in the list so for me if i did add a you liketo do adam at wp crafter like that that's all i like to format things and then you'llsee it now on this list change out the email address and then when you scroll down here'sa box it's a generate password and when you click on it wordpress wants to give you asecure password than what is his crazy password
so you can go ahead and enter your passwordin but just know you want to put a strong password that's one where there might be anextra character or something along those lines don't use password as your password to usethe website name as your password to just go and put that in so if i wanted to do toput a password like that you can type it and sometimes if it doesn't think your passwordis long enough you get this checkbox here this is confirm use of weak password so basicallyto responsibility anyways you just check that scroll down and click on update profile sothat's good to change the password masking to change the email and also the nicknameand things of that nature now what we need to do is we need to change this username asyou don't want to be typing in this crazy
long username someone to show you how to dothat so go into plug-ins some to leave the page that in saving you want to plug-ins andthere's a plug-in i've added down here called username changer so we just need to go intousers and words his username changer after you use this you can deactivate and deletethis plug-in better be fine so your username changer and in this drop-down choose the usernameand we only have one user account click on it and just enter what you want the new usernameto be so if you wanted to be john smith just type john smith it's a simple as that andthen click on save changes now when you do that it's gonna boot you out in your haveto login now using this new username and using that password you created remember don't useadmin though use wordpress don't use administrator
don't use these obvious usernames okay sojust make sure you use a unique looking user name and so that is changing the usernamenow depending on when you install this whole package you might see that there's an updateavailable so you can see right here it is one that means there's an update availableand when you see this one next to plug-ins that's when you know it's actually a plug-inthat needs an update so this is how you update plug-ins you can just click on plug-ins likethat and you can click update now and from time to time these different plug-ins willneed updates or you can go to dashboard updates if you have more than one and you can justdo a checkbox and check them all saucer you all you gotta do is click on the checkboxand then click on update plug-ins or if it's
themes and that's a keep things update updatedi want to encourage you to please keep things updated it's important for security and alsofor new features and speed improvements and stuff like that so so now we completed thisfirst update now we just need to clean a couple items out of your sight that you're good andthat you're not can it needs to go to appearance and then themes and this is the themes thatare powering your site so these first two you do not want to delete it's these otherones you do you're probably see 2015 if you click on theme details you'll see the deletebutton on the bottom right and then he just need to confirm it in order to do that forthe 2014 theme click on delete and then click on okay and there were to do the same thingfor the 2016 theme right click on that and
there were gonna delete it in the wordingclick okay so now we cleaned out our themes take a look at our plug-ins to see what wedon't need let's check on ask matt let's check on hello dolly we don't need those so i'vechecked them both in a minute choose the leaks and then i'm a click on apply no those aregoing to be gone now there's two more plug-ins that you can decide if you want to keep oneof them is this all-in-one migration you might want to deactivate it since we boarded onthe migration you really don't need it and then if you did change the username you candeactivate username changer let's check the both of those and then let's go ahead andchoose delete and apply now so now those are deleted so now to go ahead and take a lookat the front end of the website and if we
did all this right it should look identicalto what i showed you the very beginning of the video and here it is you can see i gotmy image i've got my text and let's make sure the course stuff works in quicken on thisand here is the courses and when i click on the lesson here is our lesson and here's ourlesson information so it is fully restored on your website now this is the perfect timefor me to stop this video and send you off to the next videos i've got a video on everythingrelated to building out your course i've got a video on how to create pages and put thosepages together on the site got a video on manipulating all the styles the logo the fontseverything i've got a video on all of these things and remember head on over to my websitethat might be the best place to view it you
can view them here on youtube if you wantor you can view them nice and organized on my website i just so excited at the possibilityfor you and what your to be accomplished using this no one ask if you'll take a moment totake this video and share it with people if you're on facebook and a facebook group orin a private mastermind or a linkedin group if you would share this with them becausei know can make a huge difference in your life and i want it to make a huge differencein your friends and people you're connected to's life as well thanks for watching thisvideo and i'm looking forward to seeing you in the next one what can you do somethingfor me if you're watching this on you too can you give me a thumbs up and i want toinvite you to subscribe to this youtube channel
there's a button right beneath me and i reallyappreciate if you did that and i got something for you i don't want you to leave empty-handedif you just click off here to the side it's a free video course that i put together justfor you call the three steps to wordpress success you will love this course registrationis free right now all you have to do is click on the link right next to me thanks for spendingthis time with me and i can't wait to make another video for you
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